The flip cup technique is almost identical to the dirty pouring technique. The difference with a flip cup pour is that the container with the paint is put on the painting surface upside down and then lifted up. This being so that the individual layers of paint disperse on top of each other. All the colours are mixed separately with the pouring medium (for example; liquitex) and water. The ratio is approximately 1:1:<1. For better cell formation, two to three drops of silicone oil can be added per colour. The colour mixtures are then stacked on top of each other in a cup. The cup is then placed vertically on the painting surface and left to sit for a minute or two. After waiting a little while, the cup is then carefully lifted up to allow the paint to disperse. If more cells are desired, a blow torch, Bunsen burner or hot air dryer can be used to lightly swivel over the freshly painted surface. This causes the air bubbles in the paint to burst and therefore, allows the colours in layers further down to show through. Finally, the painting surface is moved back and forth until the paint has spread and covered the painting surface.
Flip Cup Pour